Sunday, April 20, 2008

Bless Me Obama, For I Have Sinned

April 14, 2008

I'm sitting in the front pew of a Catholic church with two friends. Barack Obama stands in front of our pew, ready to address the congregation. He is visibly annoyed that he has to wait for the choir to finish singing Gladys Knight & The Pip's Neither One Of Us Wants To Be The First To Say Goodbye before he can speak.

Now wearing green and white vestments, Barack starts shaking hands with parishioners to pass he time. I quickly remove my fingerless woolen hobo gloves and attempt to hide my Hillary Clinton campaign button by turning my jacket lapel inside.

Barack is now standing directly inf front of me and eyes me suspiciously. "I saw the button, " he says firmly.

"So what," I respond. "So I've got a button. I'm here, I'm listening, I'm open."

Now back in a sensible business suit, Barack heads out a glass door to have a smoke.

"If it's any consolation," I yell after him, "you're my second choice."

He turns back to sneer at me before disappearing.

1 comment:

klove said...

Perhaps he was just rushing out to get in line to catch a glimpse of the Pope..maybe the smoking was just a distraction...and him "brushing off" what he didn't like that he saw..

Keep on dreaming Jiminy are my star! : )