Sunday, April 27, 2008

A Genuine Lainie Kazan

April 26, 2008

I'm seated in the waiting area of a doctor's office. Lainie Kazan is in the examining room with the doctor. I had wanted to say hello and get her autograph while I had the chance, but I was too shy.

Rhoda, a woman I worked with in a department store in Philadelphia twenty years ago, and who bears a passing resemblance to Lainie, emerges from the examining room. She is the doctor's nurse, and she has secured Lainie's autograph for me on an insurance form.

I take the paper from Rhoda's hand and examine the signature. I suspect that she has signed it herself. It strikes me as not loopy or flowing or elegant enough to be a genuine Lainie Kazan.

I wait to speak with the receptionist about scheduling another appointment while she argues with an unpleasant woman about changing her appointment time. The receptionist is trying to change this patient's time so that I can have her appointment.

Observing them bicker, it occurs to me that these two women are listening but somehow are just not hearing each other.


Anonymous said...

That is bizarre.I am her daughter and I saw this while looking something up for my the photo supposed to be my mom? she looks a bit mom is a very happy person...anyway art is freedom to interpret things the way we percieve I guess it is your interpretation of my mom! well thanks for the was funny! Bena

Jiminy Snap said...


I am thrilled that you found your way here. I am a big fan of your mom's and even named my cat Lainie. I have her two CDs (including the one where you sing with her--very nice)and several of her old records.

Anyway, I agree that your mom is a happy person--it's only my drawing that makes her look otherwise. I don't really consider myself an artist--I just look at someone and draw them to the best of my untrained ability. If I dream about her again, I will make an extra effort to draw her smiling!

Thanks for taking the time to write and thank your mom for all the years of joy her work as brought me.