Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Judy Davis: A Prickly Banksia

It is once again Australian actress Judy Davis's birthday. As I said last year, "her alabaster skin and that pink/orange hue around her eyes that seems to suggest a terminal case of conjunctivitis may not be every man's idea of beauty, but I find her stunning."

Last year I also mentioned that I think most movies would be better if Judy Davis were in them. I stand by that remark, and never did I feel it more than when I recently watched August: Osage County. I am not bashing Meryl Streep, I think she's great, and somehow she's managed to remain a box office draw well into her sixties, which is no small trick for an actress. But rarely does she capture my imagination the way Judy Davis does.

And so on her birthday, as I salute this porcelain skinned Prickly Banksia* with a mixed media portrait, I hope her coming year is filled with great roles, and maybe some day soon an American stage appearance.

Last year I used part of this same image, but it was severely cropped and drained of color. This year I present her in all her alabaster glory.

*Prickly Banksia is an Australian shrub with serrated leaves. I think that describes Judy Davis pretty well. I love her but I would not want to be on the business end of her serrated leaves. 

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